Friday, 28 February 2014

Today's video

As you may have heard, we filmed a video to show this week's behaviour goals. The students planned everything out including the rules to cover and how to show them. All I did was film it and put it together at the end. If you would like a copy of this video, please email me at and I will gladly send you the video!

Also, you will see in the agenda today a note saying 'j'ai ____ de 7 battons'. This is referring to our system to track how much French they are speaking in class. They are more than capable to explain the system and what the 'battons' mean! 

Have an enjoyable weekend!

Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Les chansons

Bonjour mes amis! Voici quelques des chansons qu'on a écouter en classe. Chantez bien!

J'imagine - Annie Villeneuve

Joe le Taxi - Vanessa Paradis

Aussi, si tu veux plus d'information des sports Olympiques qu'on a étudier, tu peux visiter ce site web. Tu peux aussi visiter ce site web pour apprendre des althetes et l'équipe Olympique Canadienne.

Multiplication enrichment

As you hopefully have heard, we have been perfecting our multiplication skills in class. Technically, in grade 3, we need only to learn up to 5x5 but we have been doing much more in class. Here are some ideas for practice and enrichment at home.

This week's dictée

Here is this weeks dictée. 

Also, remember that tomorrow is pink day. Please wear a pink shirt to show that we don't accept bullying! Today, we worked on a project for pink day, and the ideas of how to take care of others that the students came up with really warmed my heart! Take a look!

Tuesday, 4 February 2014

Tomorrow's field trip

A notice came home today about tomorrow's field trip. There are two very important bits of information to remember. Please make sure that students are at school on time, as we will be leaving soon after the bell. Also, tomorrow's forecast is below 0 degrees, so please make sure you dress for the weather! À demain!

Monday, 3 February 2014

This week's dictée, plus some

Here is this week's dictée plus some other pictures from today. 

We spoke at length about how to study for a 30 word dictée. Some options are to only study the words they got wrong in their pre test, or to do 10 a day. Whatever works for them!

Be sure to check back later this week to see some amazing ideas the class came up with to take better care of each other's feelings