Tuesday, 26 May 2015

Thursday's field trip

Just a reminder that Thursday is our field trip to UBC. I sent home notes in agendas today confirming drivers. We will be leaving school at 9:15am and will return by 12:30pm. 

Let me know if you want to stay, or if you want to have some time to yourself! 

Tuesday, 19 May 2015

I hope everyone had an enjoyable long weekend! 

Thanks everyone for sending all the forms back in time. A reminder that the Ubc field trip form is due tomorrow. We are also short drivers for the field trip, so if you have some extra time to drive at 9:20am and 2:30pm (or only on of the two) please write me a note!

Also, if you have any extra shoe boxes at home, we could really use them in class! Please send them along tomorrow. 

Wednesday, 13 May 2015

Just a reminder that tomorrow we are walking to the main school for a tour! Please remember to dress for the weather! 

Tuesday, 12 May 2015

An interesting read

As wonderful as technology is, it is important to remember that it is not the be-all end-all of life. Here is something great to consider: http://m.huffpost.com/us/entry/3343245

Monday, 11 May 2015

Here is a few things to know for the next few weeks:

- We have organized a field trip for the end of May. We are asking for parent drivers since busses are so over priced. We appreciate your help driving if you can! 

- This Thursday we will be visiting the main school! We will be walking there and back, so please help your child dress appropriately for the weather. I would love the help of one person to walk with us. We would just need you to walk up with us at 11:25 am and walk back at 2pm. If you can help, please email or write a note in the agenda if you can help out. 

- We had a great performance on Friday afternoon by a string trio. They are great, and I recommend checking out their  website: http://infinitusmusic.com

Tuesday, 5 May 2015

This week's 'écriture de la semaine' is a bit different. As you may have heard, we have been working on a very involved writing project. We have worked through different activities to guide our story writing. We are now at the point where we are doing our first draft on lined paper. Every day this week, I will send home their writing folder and students can work on what we have been doing in class. They don't need to finish the step they are on, just to work for 15-20 min every night. It is most important to bring this back to school every day, as if they don't, they will have nothing to work on for an hour and a half. 

We have also been doing lots of plants observations, just like real scientists. Be sure to ask about our beans and our potatoes!