Friday, 30 September 2016

Yesterday, we did our terry fox run. The students ran so well!  We listened to a song about terry. You can find the song and YouTube video here:

I spent the morning at musqueam cultural center as part of my professional development. I had a wonderful time, and  learned so much. If you're interested, they have a great exhibit at their cultural center that has many artifacts from the culture.  If you have some spare time, I'd highly recommend checking it out! 

Here is some beautiful art the kids did last week. Feel free to stop by and see it in the hallway 



Tuesday, 27 September 2016

Just a reminder that tomorrow is our turn to provide goodies for the bake sale!

Thursday, 22 September 2016

Thank you for your patience as I get the blog back up and running. While technology can be a wonderful thing, there are always technical glitches. I seem to have everything sorted out and will be able to post more often.

Just a reminder that tonight is the open house at douglas annex. Please come stop by, come say hi, and see the classroom. I will be here if you have any questions about our class.

As you hopefully have seen, dictee duotangs come home on Monday. Please help children remember to bring them back on Friday so they can do their test. Remember that it's not your job to put it in your child's backpack. Instead, you can help them remember.

See you all tonight!

Mme Jessica

Thursday, 15 September 2016

Dear division 1 of 2016-2017,

Welcome to your class blog! I will be writing here as often as I can remember.

If you're not feeling confident in checking all the time, you can sign up to have an email notification every time I post. The box is to the right ---> We have been so busy so far. Lots of writing, math, and art. I'll post pictures soon.

I know the September re-start can be challenging for all of us. I came across this article that gives great perspectives into the beginning of the year for children, and provides some great strategies to help get over the September grumpies. You can read it here. I think the biggest thing to remember, is to keep to an early bed time!