Tuesday, 27 February 2018

We spent most of today going over activities for tomorrow. Please be sure to continue reading for important information about tomorrow's field trip.

February 28th is pink shirt day. We will all try to wear something pink tomorrow. If you don't know the origins, do ask your students. They all know it well. We often speak to the students about the importance of not bullying others and treating others kindly. This year, we spoke about being active witnesses - that is, what do we do when we see others being disrespectful to others. We had a great discussion and came up with some great ideas. For valentines day, we made a friendship tree with leaves that describe what it means to be a good friend. We now added pink flowers saying what to do when you see others being disrespectful to others. Be sure to check it out in the hallway.

We also listened to some of the music from the symphony we will be seeing tomorrow. For tomorrow's field trip, students cannot bring pocket snacks or water, as per bus and orpheum rules. Please make sure students have a big breakfast before they leave the house. We will be back at the school before lunch. We will be leaving school at 9:10am so please don't be late!

Sunday, 11 February 2018

I hope everyone is enjoying their long weekend. What a treat to have some sunshine!

We have been busy in class the past week. I love February because routines are set and we can really get to some serious learning. We have been doing a whole grade 3 Olympic activity. They have been learning the history of the Olympics, and talking about personality traits we admire in Olympic athletes.

We have also been working on a research project on Aboriginal people in Canada. Each group has a different people they are researching and we are learning how to take notes. We have talked about the importance of learning not to plagiarize.

I also sent home a copy of a game we have been playing in math to help with our multiplication skills. The kids really enjoy it in class.

We have been reading James and the Giant Peach in class as a read-aloud. I find this is a great age to read Roald Dahl books, either in English or in French.

Finally, I'll send a list via the remind app of names for Valentines cards just in case you need it.