Monday, 14 January 2013

Math Games

What a great first week back! We had lots of fun last week, working on projects and welcoming a new student to our class. I was amazed at how awake and engaged everyone was! I know that the second week can be trickier, and some students were saying they were pretty sleepy today. I know I was feeling the week-2 tired too! Just a gentle reminder to help your children head to bed at a reasonable hour so they're ready for learning!

We have spent a lot of time playing math games as a way to work on multiplication. We have played a few card and dice games that the students have needed to explain to you. We also played a fun card game that you can find here: It's called Top That! The students have been having a really fun time playing this game!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jessica, I would LOVE to share a great Multiplication Card Game we designed and created to help kids memorize times tables (Math Grab).

    Please check it out!

    Math Grab

