Thursday, 20 November 2014

More Space!!

I know lots of people have been enjoying all the space links here. The internet can be such a wonderful resource! Here are a bunch of other interesting space things I've found:

Here is a video tour of the ISS

Click here to see all the planets to scale. This is another great infographic that shows planets to scale

Here is an infographic we looked at today that explains the difference between all the different rocks that fly around in space. In case you were wondering, the French translations from top to bottom are: une comète, un astéroïde, une météoride, un météore, et un météorite.

Here is the ever-popular Bill Nye talking about space explorations. We got to listen to a bit in class today but didn't have a chance to finish.

Here are some pictures from the Hubble Telescope that, as one student so eloquently put it, may 'make your brain explode'.

Here is a funny picture about the different planets' moons

I love this website from NASA. There is lots to explore here.

Here is a slightly repetitive but still informative song in English.

Finally here are two more inforgraphics that got quite a bit of laughs today. You can find them here, and here.

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