Thursday, 31 March 2016

Conférence rescheduling

Bonjour chers parents,

As you know, the Students Led Conferences needed to be rescheduled.  They will be done, next week, on Wednesday April 6th and Thursday, April 7th.  You are invited to schedule an appointment for the conferences via an online booking service.  Here is the link.


You must register as a parent first.  Then you will have access to book an appointment with me.   You will be able to choose a time that is convenient for you.  The registration period will start on Thursday, March 31st,  7:00 pm and end on Monday, April 4th,  7:00 pm  Please note that there will be options in the morning. 


I hope that this process will go well for you.  If you have any problem, please contact M. Daniel Bélanger, vice-principal, or Madame jessica to set up an appointment.


Tuesday, 29 March 2016

Welcome back!

Welcome back to school! I hope everyone had a relaxing spring break. I know I am feeling very relaxed and much healthier. Thank you for your understanding for postponing conferences. I don't think I realized how sick I was at the time. You will be getting more information about rescheduling in the next week. 

Today, we started our new 'dictée' routine. Instead of dictée, we will be doing weekly writing. Every Monday, students will get a new sheet for the week's writing topic. Students need to write the whole page during the week, and return it the next Monday. Please do don't correct their work, as I will be doing that, and we will do activities with them each Monday. It is extremely important that students bring their writing every Monday. If they do not, they will be missing out on valuable learning. 

Also, please remind students to bring their bag for home reading books. It is still so important to have them reading in French at home. 

Finally, tomorrow is class, team, and school pictures! 

Wednesday, 9 March 2016

Good morning everyone,

Just a note to let you know that I will need to postpone conferences as I am sick. I am so sorry for any inconvenience. We will re schedule for after spring break. You will also be getting an email from the school. 

Saturday, 5 March 2016

What an successful, exhausting, but wonderful week! I've had a great time here but am ready to come home. I should be back at school Monday, but there is a winter storm passing through so flights may be delayed. 

I hope everyone had a great week, and I'll see you all soon

Tuesday, 1 March 2016

I hope everyone is having a great week! We made it safe and sound to Newfoundland! It's pretty crazy thinking I'm across the country from you all. It's been -15 with wind chill most days. I'm not used to this weather!! 

I promised students I would post a broadcast schedule. It will be on YouTube, and here is the schedule

The games website is here:

If you're looking for my athletes, it's all the team BC figure skaters. They're all in levels 3-6, open and pairs level 1 and 3

I hope you all have a great rest of your week and I'm looking forward to seeing everyone when I'm back!