Friday, 2 June 2017

This week, we have been working on our stories, as well as islands. The last few weeks we have been working on stories. We are at the point of finishing our rough drafts. The criteria are at least 8 pages with at least 4 sentences on each. Everyone brought their stories home this weekend to dog through them, and bring their best work to school on Monday. 

We also have been learning about landforms in science. We invented our own islands and made them this week! Here are a few pictures of the islands: 

We have also been working on measurement. We measured all the furniture in the class room, as well as the dimensions, and we will be doing new room plans of the classroom!

I apologize again for the blog silence. The app I used was not updated, and was not working. I've found another app that works well so I'll be posting more often! 

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