Tuesday, 28 February 2017

Sorry I couldn't expand on this yesterday… I was quickly writing a blog post while I was in my own masters class last night. You may have seen that my conference schedule is a little bit different than usual. That's because I have commitments on Wednesdays and Thursdays that I can't skip that week. If the times posted don't work for you, please let me know and we can sort something out.

In case you didn't know, I coach special Olympics figure skating. Are used to coach mainstream competitive skating, but when I became a teacher I tried to scale back a little bit. Obviously it didn't happen. The athlete I work with is leaving on March 12 to compete at the Special Olympics World Winter Games to represent Canada. That's why I can't skip his training sessions this last week! Thank you so much for your understanding!

I promise the students I would post more information, so here is a link to the team Canada figure skaters that are travelling to Austria. The boy I work with is Alex, but I've worked with all of these athletes at training camps! http://teamcanada.specialolympics.ca/team-canada/figure-skating/

Speaking of special Olympics, tomorrow is the spread the word to end the word campaign. We will be speaking about this in class! 

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