As a start to our next science unit, we are talking about water! Seems fitting considering today's weather. Yesterday, I sent home a week-long tracking sheet on water consumption. Please work on this with your child. Since most of the amounts listed are for family-wide activities (washing dishes, cooking, showering), try to include water usage for our whole family. If you are a family of four, you can just multiply one person's shower by 4 if you all showered that day. At the end, we will be adding it all up, and dividing by the number of people in the household. Thanks for your help in getting this done!
Also, since we will be away in Squamish for Valentines Day, we will be celebrating on February 15th, when we are back at school. If your children wish to send cards, please make sure there is one for everyone. I will be sending a list of names home today.
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