Please make sure you keep reading after this post, as I did some posts this weekend!
As you may have seen, your children came home with another field trip form today. We will be going to burnaby village museum for our unit on pioneers. Students are encouraged to wear clothes from the period to make for a more authentic experience. As with the other forms, please return these as soon as possible. Also, please remember to return the forms and payments for 4 cats tomorrow since we are going on Wednesday. If I do not have the form, then your child will unfortunately need to stay at school that afternoon.
I wanted to let you know that today, we listened to a very cool podcast called 'c'est la vie' while we worked on our earth day projects. It's a program that is on CBC radio that explores different uses of a French word every week. The students really enjoyed it!
You will notice there is no dictée posted for this week. This is because we will not be doing dictée anymore. For the last few months of grade 3, we will be focusing more on writing and grammar. We will be doing grammar activities in class. If interested, I can post a writing prompt every Monday to fill what was the time spent practicing dictée at home. Please let me know if this is something you would be interested in.
Finally, here is an updated picture of our plants! I think we were all surprised at how much they had grown over the weekend!!
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