This week, we have done a STEM challenge making paper chains.
We started learning multiplication (in grade 3 we technically only have to learn up to 5 times 5), and started making flash cards.
Dictées are changing now to sentences. An explanation came home on Monday with this week's sentences.
Tomorrow we are going to start learning about growth mindset. I'll make sure to post more as we work on this.
A big discussion this week was about treating others with respect. Before the break, there were lots of little incidents where students weren't being horrible to others, but weren't being the kindest they could be. We are working as a class to be extra conscious of the impact of every action and every word we say. As I explained to the class, this isn't the kind of lesson that goes on report cards, but instead it is one of those life-long lessons that will hopefully be with them for a long time.

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