We started a research project on a Canadian Aboriginal people. We had a great discussion on Wednesday about reconciliation (this is a huge word for young brains), the importance of learning about others, and respecting different cultures. The main message from this discussion is that we are learning about Aboriginal people because it is important that our society recognizes that they were here first, and that our job is to respect their territory since we now live on it. The topic of injustices done towards Aboriginal peoples came up, and the main message I want students to know, is that we are all learning about some of the tough to hear history so that it doesn't happen again in the future. Students now will be making decisions in the future and their responsibility is to make sure no one else is treated that way. The topic of guilt came up as well. We spoke about it the same way - that feeling guilty is normal, but not a productive feeling in this situation. We are working on turning that guilt into awareness so that such injustices do not happen again.
Students are in groups and are working through books on a certain Aboriginal people. This project will be spanning a few weeks, so I will get students to write the name of the people they are researching incase you want to encourage extra research at home. If students find links (maybe a song, or video about the people) you can email it to me and I will have it to show the rest of their group.

We also started learning how to re read our own writing. It is important that students practice re reading their own work for mistakes and clarity. I've given them a tool to use, incase you want to use it at home as well.
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